Monday, April 18, 2011


This is mostly what Levi has been up to lately...

Don't try and run away, we know that it was you Levi!

"Who me? Did I do that?"


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our Little Walker! AGGHHHH!! :)

This cute little guy...
Watch the video to see some of his first steps. The end of the video has some of his new cute little things he does, wave and clap. (Don't mind the pepper in his hand and mouth! :] )

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Park! :)

This picture explains itself, Levi loved visiting the park! It has gotten warm this weekend so we were literally outside ALL DAY yesterday. (Levi even got a little sunkissed because Mommy forgot that you have to think about sunscreen with a little pale body like Levi's. Oopps!)

I have been saying it for a while now but, it is confirmed that Levi is such a social butterfly. He loved being there to be with all the other kids. He didn't care that he was the smallest thing by far. He would just talk and talk anytime any other kid came close to us. And by talk I mean scream at them! Haha! He would literally just give it all he had and let his voice be heard. It was really cute and funny! None of the kids really paid too much attention other than a couple weird looks like, "Why are you screaming at me?" :)

It was literally all smiles at all times while we were there, except the one time he got his little finger caught in the grate of the play area.
I would say that the slide was his favorite thing there. But we didn't swing and in the past that has usually been the favorite. This park was so awesome though. Let's just say, whenever it is warm, we will probably be taking a walk to this park.

This one little boy did sort-of "play" with us.
And by play I mean, shoot at me with his pretend stick gun. I told him that I was going to "shoot" him with my camera if he kept doing it, so I did! :) He was cute and even though I don't know how I feel about Levi playing shooting and killing games, I did not feel it was my place to tell this little kid that I didn't think that it was appropriate, his dad was watching him the whole time. So I played along. I guess we will just cross that bridge when/if it comes. He was a cutie though. Reminds me of what our little friend Elias would have looked like when he was a little younger, I think that he is 7 or 8 now.

All in all, we all enjoyed the park! I love my happy, little boy!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

"I can't talk to you right now Mom, I'm on the move!"

Sometimes I can't even handle it. When I look at Levi, or even just think about him, I become overwhelmed with love and adoration, for him and our God. I just can't even begin to conceive how God loves his people so much that he would let us share in raising up another human being. To get to experience what it is like to love a child more than you could ever begin to put into words. To feel emotions of every kind throughout each day, happiness, joy, frustrations, fear... Levi is getting to so many new stages so quickly! At 10 1/2 months he is almost a professional crawler, walking around with help, standing on his own, getting into things (see pictures below)
He really is just the happiest little boy I know (although some might consider him and Nile to be VERY close to a tie in that contest). I love to hear him laugh and watch him explore new things. I seriously wake up each day and wonder what new thing Levi will do or discover that day.
He is changing so much. I don't like to discuss his sleeping because frankly, whenever I do, it seems to change. But lets just say he is changing his schedule and he is more happy and I am MORE happy! :)
Levi is so talkative and social, I love watching him interact with others. He is very loving and snuggley, which is one of my most favorite things.
Mommy is still his favorite, but Daddy is quickly gaining in favor, which is fun to watch. Brandon enjoys playing ball with Levi and is looking forward to him being able to throw a frisbee. I told him this will be a while, but he still likes to dream! :)
He recently discovered his tongue and likes to play with it. He is being a very good eater and will eat most vegtables, if he can feed them to himself! He also recently likes to help Mommy with making her jewelry and hold her beads for her. He is such a little helper!
I just really can't get enough of this boy! I love him so much!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Library Play Date

The Elgin library has an amazing play area for kids! A group of fun ladies and their kiddos invited me and Levi to join their play time with them there and we had a great time! It is fun that we all have boys close in age! I got a few good shots of the boys, but mostly sweet little Judah posing quite nicely!

Levi mostly enjoys new tastes and new germs that aren't at our house. ;)

I love Benji's hair!

Sweet Judah with his sweet Mommy!

See? A very good poser!

Again, Levi eating new toys! (He doesn't get to eat pancakes at home.)

All in all we had a great time! We can't wait for more play dates!